This is an archive of the 2014-2015 University Catalog.
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This is an archive of the 2014-2015 University Catalog.
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Program: Educational Therapy, Advanced Study Certificate


Advanced Study in Educational Therapy Certificate

The ET Post-M.A. Degree Certificate Program, designed in collaboration with the Association of Educational Therapy (AET), provides M.A. Degree students an opportunity to develop expertise and professional skills related to educational therapy. Completion of the Certificate Program, which includes courses and field experience, leads to the award of the Certificate of Advanced Study in Educational Therapy. The Program combines educational and therapeutic approaches for evaluation, remediation, case management and communication/advocacy on behalf of children, adolescents and adults with learning disabilities or learning problems. Graduates of the Certificate Program meet the academic course requirements to achieve AET’s Associate Professional level of membership. Moreover, 150 supervisory hours for the professional level of membership are met by the Internship, which is the culminating experience in the Certificate Program.

Contact the Department Office at (818) 677-2596 for more information about the following Certificate Program.

Program Requirements


  1. Completion of a M.A. Degree Program in Education or other related fields as approved by the Certificate Program Coordinator.
  2. Minimum of 2 years of experience in the fi eld of education.
  3. Education Specialist Credential or prerequisites determined by the ET Coordinator that are required for Level I. (e.g., SPED 400, 402, 404, 406, 501MM, 502MM, or equivalencies)
  4. Minimum 3.0 GPA in the M.A. Degree Program.

Requirements for the Certificate:

The Certificate requires a minimum of 15-18 units of coursework and field experience.

SPED 671 Advanced Study of Literacy Problems (3) (Prerequisite: SPED 502)
SPED 672 Advanced Assessment (3)
(Prerequisite: SPED 501MM. Prerequisite or Corequisite: SPED 671)
SPED 673 Principles of Educational Therapy for Individuals with Exceptional Needs (3)

SPED 676 Clinical Case Management (3) (Prerequisites: SPED 673, 671, 672)
SPED 679 Internship in Educational Therapy (3-6)
(Prerequisites: SPED 673, 671, 672, 676)


Chair: Sue Sears
Education (ED) 1204
(818) 677-2596