This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


Program: B.A., Cinema and Television Arts

Television Production


Pre-production, production and post-production techniques for all television formats—encompassing producing, directing and all other creative aspects of studio and field production.

Program Requirements

All lower and upper division courses taken toward completion of the CTVA major must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

1. Lower Division (12 units)

CTVA 100 Introduction to Mass Communication Arts (3)
CTVA 210 Television-Film Aesthetics (3)
CTVA 220 Foundations of Media Writing (3)
CTVA 240 Fundamentals of Video Production (3)

2. Upper Division (33 units)

a. Required Courses (12 units)

CTVA 305 History of Broadcasting (3)
CTVA 340 Advanced Video Audio Production and Editing (3)
CTVA 341 Single-Camera Video Production and Editing (3)
CTVA 440 Theory and Techniques of TV Directing (3)

b. Skill Area (3 units)

Select one of the following:

CTVA 342 Digital Cinematography (3)
CTVA 352 Nonlinear Digital Editing (3)
CTVA 358 Advanced Film Sound (3)
CTVA 359 Post-Production Sound (3)

c. Critical Reasoning (3 units)

Select one of the following:

CTVA 301 Design of the Media Message (3)
CTVA 319 Criticism in Cinema and TV (3)
CTVA 400 Media and Society (3)
CTVA 416 Documentary Tradition (3)

d. Senior Level Capstone Production (3 units)

Select one of the following:

CTVA 441 Directing the TV Documentary (3)
CTVA 442 Directing TV Drama/Comedy (3)
CTVA 443 Magazine Format Video (3)

e. Select two of the following (6 units):

CTVA 327 Writing for Industrial Media (3)
CTVA 384 Electronic Media Advertising (3)
CTVA 480 Electronic Media Management (3)
CTVA 481 Network Practices (3)
CTVA 482 Network Program Development (3)
CTVA 475 Audience Analysis (3)
CTVA 487 Regulation of Electronic Media (3)

f. Additional Units (6 units)

Select 6 additional units in CTVA or an allied field, with the approval of an advisor, as prescribed in the official departmental advisement form for Television Production, or CTVA 329C494C or 494F.

3. General Education (48 units)

Undergraduate students must complete 48 units of General Education as described in this Catalog.
CTVA 100 can be counted toward GE Lifelong Learning and the major.

Total Units in the Major/Option: 45

General Education Units: 45

Additional Units: 30

Total Units Required for the B.A. Degree: 120


Chair: Jon Stahl
Manzanita Hall (MZ) 195
(818) 677-3192

CTVA Advisor:

Student Learning Outcomes

At the end of a program of study, students will (as reflected by the curriculum in their individual option) be able to:

  1. Understand and articulate the history, theories and critical models of cinema and the electronic media.
  2. Conceptualize, structure and write dramatic and nondramatic scripts for cinema, television and new media.
  3. Employ pre-production, production and post-production techniques for all electronic and digital media formats in both the studio and the field.
  4. Conceptualize, produce, direct, edit and distribute cinema projects for both entertainment and informational purposes.
  5. Operate and manage business structures, personnel, budgets, advertising, sales, research and regulation of independent, studio and network electronic media.