This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Credit

The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a series of exams that test college-level knowledge gained through professional development, on-the-job training, the military, etc. CLEP affords participants an opportunity to obtain college credit, satisfy course prerequisites and/or meet general requirements by exam.

Students attending CSUN should review the required CLEP scores for meeting course equivalencies in the table below.

CLEP exams can be taken on-campus at CSUN; see the Testing Center website for more information.

CLEP Examination Score Credit CSUN Equivalent General Education Application
American Government 50 3 units Consult Political Science Chair 2 units Title 5 U.S. Constitution requirement
(Take POLS 490CA to satisfy California government requirement)
American Literature 50 3 units No Equivalency 3 units in Arts and Humanities
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 50 3 units No Equivalency 3 units in Arts and Humanities
Biology 50 3 units BIOL 101 3 units in Natural Sciences
(does not meet Lab requirement)
Calculus 50 3 units No Equivalency 3 units in Basic Skills, Mathematics;
Allows for exemption from Entry Level Math (ELM) Test
Chemistry 50 3 units CHEM 100 3 units in Natural Sciences
(does not meet Lab requirement)
College Algebra 50 3 units No Equivalency 3 units in Basic Skills, Mathematics;
Allows for exemption from Entry Level Math (ELM) Test
College Algebra/
50 3 units No Equivalency 3 units in Basic Skills, Mathematics
Allows for exemption from Entry Level Math (ELM) Test
English Literature 50 3 units No Equivalency 3 units in Arts and Humanities
Financial Accounting 50 3 units No Equivalency No GE Application
French Level I * 50 6 units FREN 101 4 units in Comparative Cultural Studies
French Level II * 59 12 units FREN 102 4 units in Comparative Cultural Studies
German Level I * 50 6 units GERM 101 4 units in Comparative Cultural Studies
German Level II * 60 12 units GERM 102 4 units in Comparative Cultural Studies
History, United States I 50 3 units No Equivalency 3 units in Social Sciences or Title 5, U.S. History
History, United States II 50 3 units No Equivalency 3 units in Social Sciences or Title 5, U.S. History
Human Growth and
50 3 units PSY 200 3 units in Social Sciences
Humanities 50 3 units HUM 101 3 units in Arts and Humanities
Information Systems and
Computer Applications
50 3 units No Equivalency 3 units in Lifelong Learning
Introduction to
Educational Psychology
50 3 units No Equivalency No GE Application
Introductory Business Law 50 3 units BLAW 108 3 units in Lifelong Learning
Introductory Psychology 50 3 units PSY 150 3 units in Social Sciences
Introductory Sociology 50 3 units No Equivalency 3 units in Social Sciences
Natural Sciences 50 3 units No Equivalency 3 units in Natural Sciences
(does not meet Lab requirement)
Pre-Calculus 50 3 units No Equivalency 3 units in Basic Skills;
Allows for exemption from Entry Level Math (ELM) Test
Principles of Accounting 50 3 units No Equivalency No GE Application
Principles of
50 3 units ECON 161 3 units in Social Sciences
(not ECON majors)
Principles of Management 50 3 units No Equivalency No GE Application
Principles of Marketing 50 3 units No Equivalency No GE Application
Principles of
50 3 units ECON 160 3 units in Social Sciences
(Not ECON majors)
Spanish Level I * 50 6 units SPAN 101 4 units in Comparative Cultural Studies
Spanish Level II * 63 12 units SPAN 102 4 units in Comparative Cultural Studies
Trigonometry 50 3 units No Equivalency 3 units in Basic Skills, Mathematics;
Allows for exemption from Entry Level Math (ELM) Test
Western Civilization I 50 3 units No Equivalency 3 units in Arts and Humanities or Social Sciences
Western Civilization II 50 3 units No Equivalency 3 units in Arts and Humanities or Social Sciences

* If a student passes more than one CLEP test in the same language other than English (e.g., two exams in French), then only one examination may be applied to the baccalaureate. For each test in a language other than English, a passing score of 50 is considered “Level I” and earns 6 units of baccalaureate credit. The higher score listed for each test is considered “Level II” and earns additional units of credit.