This is an archive of the 2016-2017 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2016-2017 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


Program: Minor in Russian


The Russian minor provides students with the opportunity to gain at least intermediate proficiency in the Russian language as well as insight into the historical and cultural aspects of Russia. Students have the opportunity to apply to intensive Russian language immersion programs both in the U.S. and in Russia.

Program Requirements

1. Lower Division Required Courses (14 units)

RUSS 101 Elementary Russian I (4)
RUSS 102 Elementary Russian II (4)
RUSS 201 Intermediate Russian I (3)

Choose one course from the following:

RUSS 200 Beginning Russian Conversation (3)
RUSS 202 Intermediate Russian Reading (3)

These courses should be taken after consultation with the Advisor of the Russian program.

2. Upper Division Required Courses (12 units)

A total of 12 units to be completed from the following two areas according to the student’s interest and background (qualifications) and upon approval by the Russian advisor.

Area A: Language

RUSS 308 Translating and Interpreting (3)
RUSS 310 Advanced Composition and Conversation (3)
RUSS 407 Advanced Commercial Correspondence (3)

Area B: Literature and Culture

RUSS 380 Russian Civilization (3)
RUSS 390 Russian Folklore: Slavic Myths and Traditions (3)
FLIT 485 Masterpieces of Russian Literature (3)

Total Units in the Minor: 26


Director: Ranita Chatterjee
Education Administration (EA) 100
(818) 677-3300

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will demonstrate intermediate competency in Russian speaking and listening, and writing and reading.
  2. Students will be able to describe recurring features in Russian works from a particular literary period and propose and discuss analyses of representative texts.
  3. Students will be able to discuss salient features and institutions of contemporary Russian society and their historical underpinnings.