Program: Minor in Recreation Management
The department offers three distinct minor programs to meet the needs of professional education within the RTM field and the university. The three minors are: (1) Recreation Management, (2) Hospitality and Tourism, and (3) Leadership through Adventure.
The Recreation Management minor allows for students in other disciplines to develop several core competencies in the recreation field. This program provides a basic framework of the skills and knowledge of the leisure and recreation experience and the delivery of those services to others. Core foundations are required in understanding the leisure experience and the role of designing recreation programs for others. Flexibility exists to select relevant electives for one of the many specialty areas in the field.
Program Requirements
1. Required Core (9 units)
RTM 202/L Planning Programs and Events for the Recreational Experience and Lab (2/1)
RTM 278 Recreation and Leisure in Contemporary Society (3) (GE)
RTM 302 Dynamics of Leadership in Recreation and Human Services (3)
2. Electives (12 units)
Select from the following courses in consultation with a department faculty advisor:
RTM 280 Organizing Campus Recreation and Sport (3)
RTM 300 Recreation and Community Development (3)
RTM 303 Promotion of the Recreation Experience (3)
RTM 304 Entrepreneurial Ventures in Recreation and Human Services (3)
RTM 305 Dynamics of Early Childhood Play (3)
RTM 310 Adventure Recreation and Human Relations and Lab (2/1)
RTM 351 Outdoor and Environmental Education (3)
RTM 352 Play and Human Potential (3)*
RTM 402 Models of Play, Leisure and Recreation (3)
RTM 405 Play and the Exceptional Child (3)
RTM 415 Leisure and Aging (3)
RTM 444 Nonprofit Organizations and Fund Development in Leisure/Human Services (3)
RTM 490 Challenges in Leisure Services Seminar (3)
*Upper Division GE.
Total Units in the Minor: 21
Chair: Mechelle Best
Staff: Lora Hnat
Redwood Hall (RE) 250
(818) 677-3202