This is an archive of the 2018-2019 University Catalog.
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About the Department

Anthropology is the study of all humankind throughout time. Anthropology involves the study of people, their origins, their biological variations and characteristics, their languages and cultural patterns, their social structures and institutions, and their adaptation to their environment. The goal is to understand the basis and the forms of human diversity and to apply this knowledge to the solution of human problems. To achieve disciplinary objectives, the Department of Anthropology provides high-quality instruction to students, conducts original research with scholarly and applied outcomes, and promotes the discipline of anthropology to the general public. The department prepares students for careers in anthropology-related fields with introductory and advanced training in anthropological theory and methods and in special topics, with an emphasis in the sociocultural, archaeological and biological subdisciplines. It encourages new and continuing research by faculty members and students that makes contributions to knowledge and offers real-world solutions. Finally, the department helps to advance the discipline through participation in public outreach.

Academic Advisement

Seeking academic advisement is essential to academic success and timely graduation. Academic advisement is available to students through both the department advisor and staff advisors in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Student Services Center/EOP Satellite. Please call (818) 677-2658 to schedule an appointment.

Advising is also available through the department’s graduate advisor. Please call (818) 677-3331.


Anthropology, the study of humankind in all times and places, helps students to understand the origins of the world’s peoples and cultures, to live more effectively in our own communities and to prepare for tomorrow’s career challenges. The undergraduate and graduate degrees in anthropology prepare students for work in a wide range of fields, including law, social services, medicine, business, folklore, education, museums, and cultural and natural resources management. Majors receive firm grounding in traditional subdisciplines, including archaeology, physical anthropology and sociocultural anthropology, preparing students for advanced work in the field. The department’s Careers in Anthropology Mentoring Program helps students prepare for postgraduate careers.


The Honors Program leads to a B.A. degree in Anthropology with Honors and provides the student with an opportunity to engage in research under the supervision of an individual faculty member.

Anthropology majors with a 3.5 overall GPA, senior standing and who have completed or are enrolled in ANTH 473 or ANTH 475 may enter the program by enrolling in ANTH 498H Honors Tutorial in Anthropology.

Students pursuing this option cannot take more than 3 units of Independent Study toward their Anthropology degree. ANTH 498 will count as one upper division elective.

Graduation with Honors in Anthropology will require the following: final overall GPA of 3.5 or better and completion of all major requirements in Anthropology and completion of ANTH 498, Honors Tutorial in Anthropology.

Clubs and Societies

  • Anthropology Student Association (ASA)

International Studies

The Department of Anthropology supports the concept of international education and encourages students to investigate opportunities for overseas study. Certain courses taken at CSU International Program Study Centers in foreign countries are equivalent to courses in the Department of Anthropology and may be used to fulfill some of the requirements for degree options offered by the department and/or certain general education requirements. Students should consult the International Programs Bulletin available in the International and Exchange Student Center, a departmental advisor or the campus International Programs advisor for more information.


Department of Anthropology
Chair: Suzanne Scheld
Sierra Hall (SH) 232
(818) 677-3331