About the Program
The minor in California Studies is an interdisciplinary program that includes courses from a variety of disciplines, including biology, ethnic studies, geography, geology, history, political science and urban studies. The minor is designed to enhance faculty and student interaction in an interdisciplinary setting and to assist both in exploring the connections among different perspectives on a major subject. Students will not only study California from a variety of perspectives in the classroom, but they will also have an opportunity to engage in significant field research and internship activities as part of the minor’s requirements. Internships that may assist a student’s future career will be encouraged with public agencies, local archive and research collections, and private sector firms. The minor program also will encourage and support students who wish to participate in regional conferences on California Studies. Students should consult with the coordinator or faculty on the Program Committee to review requirements, courses that are available each semester, and internship and employment opportunities.
Academic Advisement
Seeking academic advisement is essential to academic success and timely graduation. Academic advisement is available to students through both the department advisor and staff advisors in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Student Services Center/EOP Satellite. Please call (818) 677-2658 to schedule an appointment. Advisement is also available from either the coordinator of California Studies or from members of the program committee.
Coordinator: Josh Sides
Sierra Tower (ST) 612
(818) 677-3566