About the Program
The online Master of Science degree program in Assistive Technology Engineering (ATE) serves new entrants and midcareer professionals who want to focus or reorient their careers in the fields of biomedical engineering and assistive technology. The program provides graduates with knowledge, technical skills and managerial abilities needed for success in specific areas of professional practice and for leadership in the field. Additionally, the program prepares graduates to become innovative and cross-discipline team leaders in the biomedical engineering and assistive technology fields.
The degree program is a joint effort among three colleges: the College of Engineering and Computer Science, the College of Health and Human Development, and The Tseng College of Extended Learning. The distinctive feature of this program is the collaborative effort of the design and delivery of the curriculum, drawing upon expertise from various colleges at CSUN and regional and national practitioner groups. A core curriculum covers the essentials of anatomy, biology and human factors. Beyond the core curriculum, engineering design and development, instrumentation and measurement, applied biomechanics and motor control, robotic applications and control interfaces, augmentative and alternative communication, software development and project management constitute topics for this unique program.
The program will be offered in a cohort format with an integrated curriculum, ensuring that one course builds upon another and that assignments are designed within and across courses. The cohort approach has proven to be effective for working professionals in terms of ensuring high student retention and completion rates. The online instruction mode provides scheduling flexibility and learning optimization to the cohort students, which attracts perspective applicants to the program during recruitment launches.
Master of Science in Assistive Technology Engineering
Academic Lead: Li Liu
(818) 677-7802
Staff: Jesse Knepper
(818) 677-4415
Staff: Alejandra Nuñez
(818) 677-6146