This is an archive of the 2022-2023 University Catalog.
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This is an archive of the 2022-2023 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


Program: M.S., Materials Engineering

Program Description

To meet the technological needs of industry, the Master of Science in Materials Engineering program creatively combines opportunities for intellectual and experiential growth in engineering materials and processes. Access to exceptional state-of-the-art laboratories enables the development of advanced expertise in materials characterization, with projects addressing nanotechnology, MEMS, sensors, smart materials, microelectronics, optoelectronics, biomaterials and environmentally assisted cracking of advanced materials.

Program Requirements

A. Requirements for Admission to the Program

  1. Satisfaction of all requirements for graduate admission to the University.
  2. Approval by the department graduate coordinator.

B. Requirements for Advancement to Classified Status

  1. Satisfaction of University requirements for classified status.
  2. Approval of a program of study plan by an assigned faculty advisor.
  3. Approval by the department graduate coordinator.

C. Special Requirements

  1. This program is intended primarily for students holding a B.S. degree in a closely related field of science or engineering. Prospective students whose undergraduate degree is not in a closely related field should discuss additional prerequisite courses with the program director.
  2. No more than 6 units of advisor-approved 400-level courses may be included in the graduate program of study.

D. Required Courses

1. Required Core Courses (12 units)

MSE 527/L Mechanical Behavior of Materials and Lab (2/1)
MSE 528/L Principles of Materials Engineering and Lab (2/1)
MSE 624 Failure Analysis (3)
MSE 629 Phase Transformations (3)

2. Culminating Requirements (6 units)

MSE 690 Materials Engineering Research Practicum (3)
MSE 697MTL Materials Engineering Directed Comprehensive Studies (3)

3. Advisor-Approved Electives (15 units)

Recommended electives, selected with faculty advisor guidance and approval, include MEMS Fabrication (MSE 512), NDE Methods and Analyses (MSE 513), Corrosion (MSE 531), Biomaterials (MSE 536), Thin Film Technology (MSE 550), Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (MSE 556), Composite Materials (MSE 523) and Electronic Materials (MSE 630). Other electives may be suitable for meeting individual student program goals.

Total Units Required for the M.S. Degree: 33


Department of Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Management
Chair/Graduate Coordinator: John Pan
Jacaranda Hall (JD) 4510
(818) 677-2167

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Enhance student knowledge of fundamental materials engineering principles.
  2. Expand student knowledge of nontraditional materials, such as composites and electronic materials.
  3. Increase student knowledge of materials failure mechanisms.
  4. Develop student expertise in laboratory research methods in materials engineering.
  5. Enable student intellectual growth in discipline-related areas.
  6. Meet the needs of the regional industrial community for qualified materials engineering expertise.