This is an archive of the 2023-2024 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2023-2024 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2023-2024 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


Current Faculty

Campbell, Christina J.

(2008) Professor of Anthropology. B.Sc. 1994, University of Canterbury; M.A. 1996, Ph.D. 2000, University of California, Los Angeles.

Costin, Cathy L.

(2000) Professor of Anthropology. B.A. 1978, M.A. 1980, Ph.D. 1986, University of California, Los Angeles.

Giraudo, Rachel F.

(2011) Professor of Anthropology. B.A. 2001, University of California, Berkeley; M. Phil. 2002, University of Cambridge; M.A. 2004, Ph.D. 2011, University of California, Berkeley.

Kirner, Kimberly D.

(2011) Professor of Anthropology. B.A. 2001, M.A. 2003, Ph.D. 2007, University of California, Riverside.

Lanzas, Gisela

(2014) Associate Professor of Anthropology. B.A. 2001, Universidad de Panama; M.A. 2005, Ph.D. 2013, University of California, Santa Barbara.

Liu, Chin-Hsin

(2015) Associate Professor of Anthropology. B.A. 2002, National Taiwan University; M.A. 2005, Ph.D. 2012, University of Florida.

Rougier, Helene A.

(2008) Professor of Anthropology. B.A. 1997, M.A. 1999, Ph.D. 2003, Bordeaux 1 University.

Scheld, Suzanne

(2004) Professor of Anthropology. B.A. 1987, Yale University; M.A. 1993, Teacher’s College, Columbia University; M.A. 1999, Hunter College, CUNY; Ph.D. 2003, CUNY, Graduate Center.

Snead, James E.

(2011) Professor of Anthropology. B.A. 1984, Beloit College; M.A. 1987, Ph.D. 1995, University of California, Los Angeles.

von Mayrhauser, Christina

(2001) Department Chair of Anthropology; Professor of Anthropology. A.B. 1990, Harvard University; M.A. 1995, Ph.D. 2000, University of California, Los Angeles.


Baskauskas, Liucija

(1972) Professor Emeritus of Anthropology. A.B. 1964, Stonehill College; M.A. 1967, Ph.D. 1971, University of California, Los Angeles.

Bishop, Naomi

(1990) Professor Emeritus of Anthropology. B.A. 1968, M.A. 1971, Ph.D. 1976, University of California, Berkeley.

Gelvin, Bruce R.

(1972) Professor Emeritus of Anthropology. B.S. 1965, Wisconsin State University; Ph.D. 1975, University of Missouri.

Gilman, Antonio

(1973) Professor Emeritus of Anthropology. A.B. 1965, Harvard College; M.A. 1971, Cambridge University; Ph.D. 1974, Harvard University.

Hayano, David M.

(1971) Professor Emeritus of Anthropology. B.A. 1963, M.A. 1965, University of Illinois; Ph.D. 1972, University of California, Los Angeles.

Kirk, Paul L.

(1967) Professor Emeritus of Anthropology. B.A. 1952, Lewis and Clark College; M.A. 1962, Ph.D. 1966, University of Washington.

Lindenfeld, Jacqueline

(1971) Professor Emeritus of Anthropology. B.A. 1956, Universite de Caen, France; M.A. 1965, Ph.D. 1969, University of California, Los Angeles.

Love, Michael W.

(1999) Professor Emeritus of Anthropology. A.B. 1977, M.A. 1982, Ph.D. 1989, University of California, Berkeley.

Mackey, Carol J.

(1968) Professor Emeritus of Anthropology. B.A. 1962, M.A. 1964, Ph.D. 1970, University of California, Berkeley.

Magliocco, Sabina

(1997) Professor Emeritus of Anthropology. B.A. 1980, Brown University; M.A. 1983, Ph.D. 1988, Indiana University.

Siemens, Stephen D.

(1999) Lecturer Emeritus in Anthropology. B.A. 1978, Reed College; M.A. 1979, Ph.D. 1990, University of California, Los Angeles.

Truex, Gregory

(1968) Professor Emeritus of Anthropology. B.A. 1967, California State University, Northridge; M.A. 1968, Tulane University; M.B.A. 1980, University of California, Los Angeles; Ph.D. 1973, University of California, Irvine.