This is an archive of the 2023-2024 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2023-2024 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2023-2024 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


Grading Symbols

Grade Definition Points Dates Used
A Outstanding 4.0 1958-present
A- 3.7 1987-present
B+ 3.3 1987-present
B Very Good 3.0 1958-present
B- 2.7 1987-present
C+ 2.3 1987-present
C Average 2.0 1958-present
C- 1.7 1987-present
D+ 1.3 1987-present
D Barely Passing 1.0 1958-present
D- 0.7 1987-present
F Failure 0.0 1958-present
CR Credit 0.0 1967-present
NC No Credit 0.0 1973-present
U Unauthorized Incomplete 0.0 1977-2002
AU Audit 0.0 1958-1987
RP Report in Progress 0.0 2008-present
SP Satisfactory Progress 0.0 1973-2008
I Incomplete 0.0 1958-present
IC Incomplete Charged 0.0 2008-present
W Withdrawal 0.0 1958-present
WU Unauthorized Withdrawal 0.0 1958-1973, 2002-present