Course: CADV 495B. Child and Adolescent Development Graduate School Skills and Applied Research Training II (3)

Prerequisite: CADV 495A or consent of instructor. This course builds on the foundation of applied research methods in CADV 495A by providing opportunities for students to integrate the theories and constructs of applied research in the field of child and adolescent development toward further development of graduate school skills and training. Through participation in weekly seminars in addition to hands-on experience on research projects at varying stages of the research process, this course will provide students in-depth knowledge about particular phases of research (e.g., hypotheses generation, project design, data collection, data analyses and dissemination). In addition, students will develop a personal statement of their (1) research interests and (2) theoretical grounding in child and adolescent development.

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes


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Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes


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