Course: CHS 101. Spanish for Heritage Speakers I (3)

CHS 101 is designed for students who have had some exposure to Spanish, either at home or in their community. While these students may have a higher degree of communicative proficiency than those whose first and primary contact with Spanish occurs in the classroom, they sometimes lack critical exposure to and training in Spanish morphology, syntax, and grammatical structures. This course is developed specifically to address language learning for heritage speakers and provides such training through a variety of activities that focus on further the development of speaking, reading, and writing skills. This course will also help students attain a greater awareness of the history, character, and importance of Hispanic and Latino communities in the U.S. Diverse sociolinguistic aspects of the langue will be explored including such topics as language maintenance and development, demographics, diversity, the standard variety and bidialectalism. The course will be conducted in Spanish and will consist of lectures, selected readings, oral presentations, and various projects based on fieldwork. (Available for General Education, F Comparative Cultural Studies.)

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes

CHS 101

Class NumberLocationDayTime

Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes

CHS 101

Class NumberLocationDayTime