Course: CIT 270/L. Integrative Programming and Lab (3/1)

Prerequisites: Grade of “C-” or better in CIT 160/L and COMP 182/L; Grade of “C-” or better in MATH 103, MATH 150A or MATH 255A. Corequisite: CIT 270L. Role of integrative programming in information technology: operating systems, system management, application reuse. Tools and techniques for integrative programming, such as Perl, TCL/tk, VBscript and Python. Script programming development environments. Role of scripting in system installation and management. Client-server architecture. Interface management, wrappers, facades, brokers and proxies. XML and XML-related technologies, with emphasis on data exchange for application/system integration. Integration technologies, such as web services, Ruby on Rails, CORBA and DCOM. Integration platforms, such as .net and J2EE. Lab: 3 hours per week.

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes

CIT 270

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Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes

CIT 270L

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Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes

CIT 270

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Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes

CIT 270L

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