Course: COMP 322/L. Introduction to Operating Systems and System Architecture and Lab (3/1)

Prerequisite: “C-” or better in COMP 222 or CIT 210/L, or ECE 422 and ECE 425/L. Corequisite: COMP 322L. Examination of the principal types of systems, including batch, multi-programming and time-sharing. Discusses networked system. Considers the salient problems associated with implementing systems, including interrupt of event driven systems, multitasking, storage and database management and input-output. Emphasizes some of the simple algorithms used to solve common problems encountered, such as deadlocks, queue service and multiple access to data. Projects are implemented to reinforce the lectures. One 3-hour lab per week.

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes

COMP 322

Class NumberLocationDayTime

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes


Class NumberLocationDayTime