Course: DEAF 405. ASL/Deaf Theatre (3)

Prerequisite: DEAF 281 or equivalent. A survey of theatre works staged with Deaf and hearing performers in American Sign Language and intended for Deaf and hearing audiences. The course will explore different genres of this type of American Sign Language/Deaf theatre, including sign language adaptations of plays, original works involving Deaf issues, plays concerning cross-cultural conflicts (Deaf-Hearing)and other genres. It also will analyze specific aspects of sign language on Deaf theatre performances, including choice of theme, use of sign language styles, nature of Deaf or hearing performers/characters, the theatre space for the visual and signing needs of the Deaf community, technical and production considerations, and the philosophy or concept of the presenting theatre or individual artists. These skills and knowledge will be integrated into a final class staged production.

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes

DEAF 405

Class NumberLocationDayTime

Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes

DEAF 405

Class NumberLocationDayTime