Course: ECE 410/L. Electrical Machines and Energy Conversion and Lab (3/1)

Prerequisite: ECE 240 or ECE 240N. Corequisite: ECE 410L. This course covers single and three phase power, including phasor diagrams and electromagnetic laws. Maxwell’s Equations as applied to energy conversion is covered, as are analysis of magnetic circuits and their losses, and single and three phase transformers, including voltage regulation end efficiency. Electromechanical energy conversion principles followed by rotating machinery modeling and analysis. Machines include induction motors, synchronous generators and direct current motors. Application of these concepts as they apply to energy sustainability is discussed. Several projects are included in which students design, simulate, build, test and report on their findings. Available for graduate credit.

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes

ECE 410

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Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes

ECE 410L

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Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes

ECE 410

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Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes

ECE 410L

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