Course: EED 649. Elementary School Interdisciplinary Arts Education (3)

Prerequisite: Completion of student teaching. An interdisciplinary methods course focusing on the meaning, role and teaching strategies of the arts in the elementary school curriculum. The course: (1) provides opportunities for exploration and understanding of dance, music, drama and visual arts; (2) seeks strategies for integrating two or more of the arts; and (3) applies music, dance drama and visual arts as recommended in the Visual and Performing Arts Framework to other subject areas, such as language arts, social studies, science, mathematics and physical education. Participants learn how to plan, teach and evaluate an interdisciplinary unit of study in the arts in relationship to specific subject areas. They also learn how to present their units using technology and other media to develop a multimedia production.

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes

EED 649

Class NumberLocationDayTime