Course: EPC 314. Psychological Foundations, K-12 (3)
This course should be taken only by students not intending to enroll in a K-12 teacher preparation program. Fulfills the requirement for the CLAD program. Study of the theory and research of educational psychology to learn principles that are basic to the successful teaching of students of all ages, backgrounds and needs. These principles of educational psychology form a foundation of knowledge about teaching that is built upon in subsequent courses in teaching methods and practice. Topics include learning, motivation, development (cognitive, language, socio-emotional, physical and moral), cognition, assessment, instruction, classroom management and individual and group differences (language, ability, ethnicity, social class, gender, exceptionality and family pattern). Implications for teaching students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are considered throughout the course. During the course, students are required to spend a minimum of 10-20 hours participating and/or observing in public schools or an approved setting.