Course: EPC 636. Systems, Policies, and Professionalism in Early Childhood Education (3)

This course focuses on the systems and policies that support optimal development and learning for children birth through 8 years and family well-being. Students participate in researching the national, state, and local legislation that influences the related childcare, education, and service delivery systems. This includes the exploration of private and public agencies in place to administer and/or deliver services for young children. Students examine the effects of systemic bias, racism, and structural inequities that affect marginalized and minoritized families, children, and low-income communities of color. Mapping these systems of care and education, as well as constructing the professional’s role in the system, culminates in an increased knowledge and understanding of the policies that support optimal development and learning for children birth through 8 years and family well-being. Finally, students understand the role of leadership and advocacy for supporting the family’s successful navigation to obtain appropriate care and education resources for their child.

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes

EPC 636

Class NumberLocationDayTime