Course: EPC 659FC. Practicum in School Psychology: Resiliency, Prevention and Crisis Intervention (3-3)

Prerequisite: Students must be enrolled in the School Psychology Program. EPC 659EC and EPC 659FC are designed to help the student learn the position of the school psychologist through supervision, discussions, presentations, and actual fieldwork experiences. Focus in the Fall will include resiliency and using a strength based focus to plan data based interventions. In the Spring, the focus will be on prevention and crisis intervention, as well as emphasizing positive student outcomes using data based interventions. The emphasis is on learning the function of a school psychologist using resiliency and prevention as a foundation to the provision of services, which will include: psycho-educational assessments, counseling, consultation, academic, social, and behavioral interventions, and crisis prevention and intervention. Emphasis is also placed on leadership skills and being culturally sensitive and responsive. Students work closely with the field and campus supervisors. Normally students enroll in EPC 659EC and 659FC for two, 3-unit semesters. A third semester may be required when competence is not met in required areas. (Credit/No Credit only)

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes


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Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes


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