Course: EPC 698D. Graduate Culminating Project (3-3)
Prerequisite: Admission into CSUN master’s program in Instructional Design. The focus of this course is on the practical application of what students have learned throughout the program. The graduate project will be the production of an instructional design solution that evidences originality and independent thinking. The instructional design solution will address an identified learning/training-based need in a business, organization, educational, or community setting. The graduate project will include a comprehensive instructional design document (including developed materials and tools) that outlines an instructional problem or need, the rationale for the selected instructional design solution or solutions, a thorough explanation of the need or needs being addressed, and a plan for implementing, assessing, and evaluating an instruction-based solution. Completion and defense of the culminating experience project will include an oral defense of the project to the Graduate Project Committee, which will be comprised of three members, one of whom will serve as the committee chair. (EPC 698D is taken twice.)