Program: General Education Honors

Program Description

The General Education Honors Program offers high-achieving CSUN students a diverse, enriched academic experience in General Education that promotes the fullest development of students’ academic potential.

Program Requirements

Admission to the General Education Honors Program

First-time freshmen with a high school GPA of 3.5 or higher are eligible to join the GE Honors Program. Continuing students at California State University, Northridge, with a CSUN GPA of 3.5 or higher are eligible to join the GE Honors Program at any time during their undergraduate careers. Presidential Scholars are eligible and encouraged to join GE Honors. Students transferring from other colleges and universities with a GPA of 3.5 or higher in college work are eligible to join the GE Honors Program.

Program Requirements

Students who meet the following requirements receive an Honors Certificate at the time of graduation:

  1. Complete 15 units of GE Honors courses.
  2. Receive a grade of “B” or better (3.0 GPA) in GE Honors courses.
  3. Maintain an overall GPA of 3.3 in all work completed at the University.


General Education Honors Program
Director: Ani Nahapetian
Valera Hall (VH) 215
(818) 677-2845