Course: HSCI 446. Lactation Education: Postpartum Period (3)

Prerequisite: HSCI 434. This course provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide families in the community with breastfeeding education and support from one week postpartum and beyond. Topics covered in this course include: Causes and solutions for common breastfeeding problems, infant assessment and infant development, controversies of co-sleeping, breastfeeding techniques and devices, maintaining milk production when mother and infant are separated, breastfeeding beyond the first month, breastfeeding and returning to work and/or school, breastfeeding the high-risk infant, milk banks and donor milk, problems with milk production and transfer, inadequate weight gain in the breastfed infant, hyperbilirubinemia and hypoglycemia and the breastfed newborn, and induced lactation and relactation. Available for graduate credit.

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes

HSCI 446

Class NumberLocationDayTime

Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes

HSCI 446

Class NumberLocationDayTime