Course: SED 525S/L. Methods of Teaching Science in the Secondary School and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisite: Restricted to candidates officially admitted to the credential program or already possessing a teaching credential. Corequisites: SED 525S and 525SL. Prospective secondary school science teachers learn to engage students in the practices and habits of mind described in the California curriculum standards, such as asking questions and defining problems, developing and using models, planning and carrying out investigations, analyzing and interpreting data, using mathematics and computational thinking, constructing explanations and designing solutions, engaging in argument from evidence, and obtaining, evaluating and communicating information. The lecture and laboratory components of this course focus on instructional methods and curriculum in teaching physics, chemistry, biology, earth and space science, engineering, and health in secondary schools. Students learn how to develop, adapt, evaluate, and use strategies and materials for teaching science, appropriate both to the special needs of the learners and the special characteristics of the various science disciplines, including strategies to develop disciplinary literacy. In addition, this course fosters the development of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) so that graduates are prepared to use relevant technologies to engage and enhance student learning. Course emphasizes pedagogies that are inclusive and equitable for diverse student populations. SED 525S/L serves as the subject-specific methods course for Single Subject Credentials in Physics, Science: Chemistry, Science: Biology, Science: Geoscience, Foundation Level Science, and Health Science. 4 hours per week.