Program: College and Career Connections in the Secondary Curriculum Certificate
Program Description
The Professional Specialization Certificate Program in College and Career Connections in the Secondary Curriculum develops teachers’ ability to design and implement secondary-level curriculum and instruction that is authentic, relevant, cross-disciplinary, and future-oriented. Coursework provides a grounding in theory, history, philosophy and policy related to the preparation of secondary students for careers and college. Coursework also explores instructional practices that enhance secondary students’ readiness for careers and college.
Program Requirements
A. Requirements for Admission
- Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution.
- Employment as a teacher.
- Submission of a completed department application.
- Submission of a completed application to CSUN via Cal State Apply or (for continuing postbaccalaureate students) a request for a Change of Objective form.
- Cumulative undergraduate GPA of at least 2.5.
- All University and graduate department admission requirements for postbaccalaureate standing, including submission of acceptable TOEFL scores for international students.
B. Professional Specialization Certificate Program in College and Career Connections in the Secondary Curriculum
Required Courses (6 units)
SED 647 Project-Based Learning in Secondary Schools (3)
SED 657 Career and College Readiness in Secondary Education (3)
These courses may be taken in either order and must be taken for a letter grade. There are no prerequisite courses. No course substitutions or transfer units are allowed.
C. Application and Eligibility for Certificate in College and Career Connections in the Secondary Curriculum
Candidates are eligible for the Professional Specialization Certificate in College and Career Connections in the Secondary Curriculum:
- When approved by the certificate program coordinator and upon completion of SED 647 and SED 657 within a 5-year period with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (a “B” average). Grades below a “C” and grades of “I” or “RP/SP” are not permitted toward the certificate.
- When candidates file a completed Professional Specialization Certificate Program form with the Office of Graduate Studies after all coursework has been completed. Following review, the form is returned to the certificate program coordinator for signature.
Total Units Required for the Certificate: 6
Department of Secondary Education
Chair: Julie Gainsburg
Education (ED) 1208
(818) 677-2580
Program Learning Outcomes
Students receiving a College and Career Connections in the Secondary Curriculum Certificate will be able to:
- Analyze the historical and current state of policy, theory, research, and practical knowledge, and the roles of educators, related to developing college and career readiness in secondary school students.
- Apply cross-cultural and historical perspectives to analyze their own instructional strategies and practices, and national, state or local district policies and practices.
- Examine current research and literature about Project-Based Learning to identify its characteristics and its impacts on student learning.
- Design cross-disciplinary project-based activities and units that align with state and local curriculum standards and frameworks for secondary students.