Course: SPED 402. Promoting and Supporting a Positive and Inclusive School Climate (3)
This course is designed to provide education specialist candidates with the skills and knowledge needed to promote and reinforce prosocial skills using positive behavior support strategies. The three-tiered model (primary, secondary and tertiary supports) to positive behavior support will serve as the organizing framework for this course. Additionally, concepts around (a) trauma informed practices, (b) social-emotional learning, (c) restorative justice, and (d) culturally responsive teaching are immersed throughout the course. The first half of the course focuses on ways to promote positive and cooperative behaviors using a variety of schoolwide and classroom strategies, including teaching and reinforcing expected behaviors, active supervision, collaboration with team members, and planned responses to challenging behavior (primary level of supports). The remainder of the course focuses on providing more intensive supports for students with more pervasive/complex behavioral and social-emotional support needs (secondary and tertiary level of supports). Relevant federal and state legislation and ethical considerations are discussed. Available for graduate credit.