Course: SPED 406. K-12 Literacy Instruction for Diverse Learners with Disabilities (3)

Prerequisites: Restricted to candidates admitted to the Education Specialist Credential Program, ITEP, and Educational Therapy programs. This course is designed to prepare special education students to teach diverse learners with disabilities reading and language arts at the elementary and secondary levels. The course focuses on the design and delivery of comprehensive literacy programs consistent with state standards and the competencies and strengths of students with disabilities. Content specifically addresses word analysis, fluency, vocabulary, academic language and comprehension, and prepares students to pass the RICA exam. An emphasis is placed on the development and organization of differentiated instructional practices for students with disabilities, based on findings from individualized assessment procedures. Available for graduate credit.

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes

SPED 406

Class NumberLocationDayTime

Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes

SPED 406

Class NumberLocationDayTime