Course: SPED 505MS. Curriculum and Instruction for Diverse Learners with Moderate to Severe Disabilities (3-3)
Prerequisites: SPED 400, SPED 504MS. This course examines models of assessment, curriculum and instruction appropriate for learners having moderate to severe disabilities. Candidates gather and analyze assessment data to identify individual student strengths and areas of needs. Candidates evaluate research to identify evidence-based instructional practices appropriate for this group of learners with an emphasis on teaching math, literacy and other academic skills. Candidates use this knowledge to modify curriculum with an emphasis on differentiated instruction to meet the unique needs of this diverse population. Candidates develop goals and objectives that are aligned with the Common Core and Alternate Achievement Standards. Authentic assessment, systematic instruction and access to the core curriculum are emphasized in this course. Candidates are required to engage in fieldwork in order to complete applied assignments. Course may be repeated once for credit.