Course: SPED 506ME(A-D). Special Education Internship Field Experience (3-3-3-3)

SPED 506MEA–Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in the Preliminary Education Specialist Internship Program.
SPED 506MEB–Prerequisite: SPED 506MEA; Pre/Corequisites: SPED 400, SPED 511.
SPED 506MEC–Prerequisite: SPED 506MEB; Pre/Corequisites: SPED 400, SPED 511.
SPED 506MED–Prerequisites: SPED 400, SPED 406, SPED 407, SPED 420, SPED 503MME, SPED 506MEC, SPED 511; Pre/Corequisites: SPED 402, SPED 416, SPED 502MME, SPED 545; SED 525 or EED 565M.

This course consists of a series of four field experience/seminars designed to provide ongoing support and guidance to interns serving students with mild moderate and extensive support needs. Interns, who are learning to teach while on-the-job, typically complete four semesters of SPED 506ME(A-D), one each semester during the two-year program. They are provided supervision and guidance by a university supervisor and site support provider who observe and conference with them on an ongoing basis. The seminar, which meets on selected weeks during the semester, links coursework with practice, provides collegial support to interns, and supports interns in reflecting on their on-the-job teaching experiences. Fieldwork expectations and seminar content are ordered developmentally. This course will typically be taken for four semesters (12 units). May be repeated twice for credit. A grade of “B” or better required to pass SPED 506MEC and SPED 506MED.