Course: SPED 628EC. Induction and the Individualized Learning Plan in Early Childhood Special Education (3)

Prerequisites: A Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in Early Childhood Special Education (EC); Admission to the Teacher Induction Education Specialist Credential program; Verification of employment as a special education teacher in the area for which the candidate is authorized (EC). SPED 628EC is taken the first semester of the program. This course is designed to facilitate beginning teachers’ transition from teacher preparation to induction. In collaboration with the university instructor and the onsite mentor, the candidate develops an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) which consists of professional development goals with a plan on how to meet these goals. A major focus of the induction program is for candidates to receive support to facilitate and encourage professional growth. As such, candidates will receive a minimum of 1 hour per week of support throughout the life of the program through individual meetings, classroom observations, discussion boards, and course assignments.

Fall-2024 - Schedule of Classes


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Spring-2025 - Schedule of Classes


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