Program: M.P.H., Health Education
The mission of the MPH Program is to prepare professional community health educators to enhance the general health and well-being of diverse human populations and communities.
The Graduate Program in Community Health Education provides advanced study for health educators working in a variety of settings, such as community health agencies, patient education, consumer health advocacy, training and continuing education, organizational development and team building, schools and other positions within public, private and professional settings. This Program is nationally accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health. The Program is designed to enable health educators to meet responsibilities for leadership, supervisory, administrative and consultative roles in these health education settings.
Applications to the Graduate Program in Health Education are accepted for the Fall and Spring semesters. Students should send applications and transcripts (two sets) directly to the University Graduate Admissions Office. Additionally, three letters of recommendation should be sent directly to Director, Master of Public Health Program, Department of Health Sciences, CSUN. (Recommendation forms are provided.)
The following criteria are used for evaluating applicants to the Health Education Graduate Program:
- Overall GPA.
- Graduate Record Examination scores for applicants with an undergraduate GPA less than 3.0.
- Any student who has not had HSCI 390/L or an equivalent statistics course will be required to take it before advancing to Classified status.
- Work experience in either health education or a related health field.
- Three letters of recommendation.
- Statement of purpose.
The Master of Public Health Program requires a minimum of 42 semester hours of coursework beyond the Bachelor’s Degree. A minimum grade of “B-” is required for each course; an overall program GPA of 3.0 is required for graduation.
Program Requirements
A. For Admission to Conditionally Classified Graduate Status
- A Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited university or college with a major in Health Science or its equivalent.
- A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above for all undergraduate work.
- Students not meeting requirement no. 1 above may be assigned a program of prerequisites in the Health Sciences. Under certain circumstances, students not meeting requirement number 2 above may be assigned a qualifying program. Specific information concerning prerequisites or qualifying programs may be obtained through consultation with a Program Graduate Advisor.
- Students must provide evidence of satisfactory completion of the verbal and/or quantitative and/or analytical sections of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE).
The GRE may be waived with approval for those students who have a minimum of 3.0 GPA overall and in the major, or have a 3.2 GPA in the last 60 units of undergraduate work, or who already have an advanced Graduate Degree from an accredited school.
B. Advancement from Conditional to Classified Status
Students admitted as conditionally classified must complete all qualifying coursework, GRE and/or UDWPE prior to moving from conditional to fully classified status. In addition,
- A GPA of 3.0 or better must be achieved in qualifying coursework.
- No more than 12 units of work taken prior to attaining fully classified status will be applied to the Master’s program, and
- Students completing qualifying course work must meet with their faculty advisor to complete the paperwork to advance from conditional to classified status.
Requirements for the Degree
1. Required Courses (30 units)
HSCI 531 Seminar: Health Education Program Planning and Evaluation (3)
HSCI 533 Advanced Concepts of Health Behavior (3)
HSCI 535 Curriculum Development in Health Education (3)
HSCI 538 Seminar: Community Health Action (3)
HSCI 541 Administration, Supervision and Consultation in Health Administration (3)
EOH 554 Seminar: Environmental and Occupational Health Problems (3)
HSCI 587 Seminar: Epidemiology (3)
HSCI 592 Advanced Biostatistics for the Health Sciences (3)
HSCI 693A Supervised Field Training (2)
HSCI 694 Research Design in the Health Science (4)
2. Electives (9 units Minimum)
With approval of the Graduate Advisor, students may take 400-, 500- and 600-level courses in such areas of study as Communications, Health Administration, Environmental and Occupational Health, or related areas of interest.
3. Capstone (3 units)
Choose one of the following:
- Comprehensive Examination. Student registers for HSCI 697 Directed Comprehensive Studies (3).
- Thesis or Graduate Project. Student registers for HSCI 698 Thesis or Graduate Project (3).
Total Units Required for the MPH Degree: 42
Chair: Anita M. Slechta
Jacaranda Hall (JD) 2500
(818) 677-3101
Student Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the Master of Public Health Program in Health Education will:
- Demonstrate a mastery of public health and health education knowledge and skills, including community health program planning, implementation and evaluation; theories and application of health behavior change assessment and intervention; community organization; curriculum design; administration of health education programs and services; epidemiology; environmental health; research design; and biostatistics.
- Apply knowledge and skills necessary for program planning, implementation and evaluation of health education programs in a variety of practice settings.
- Demonstrate understanding of public health research methodology, including study design, hypotheses testing, data collection and analysis appropriate for health education practice, and the competent use of computer tools for analysis and presentation.
- Demonstrate the professional knowledge necessary to assume staff and leadership positions in the practice of public health education.