This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


Program: B.S., Information Systems


The study of Information Systems (IS) centers on the effective use of information technology—computers and telecommunications networks—to support management decision making and corporate strategy, in addition to providing all necessary operational level support for an organization.

Program Requirements

Business Majors

A Business major is any student majoring in Accountancy; Finance; Information Systems; Management; Marketing; or Business Administration with an Option in either Business Law, Global Supply Chain Management, Insurance and Financial Services, Real Estate, or Systems and Operations Management. Accountancy, Finance, and Insurance and Financial Services are impacted majors with additional admission requirements. All Business majors share 27 units of common Lower Division core courses and 19 units of common Upper Division core courses.

Double Major Requirements

Students seeking a double major in the David Nazarian College of Business and Economics must have at least a 3.0 overall GPA and be able to complete both majors within a maximum of 140 units.

Transfer Course Requirements

Transfer students should be aware that no grade lower than “C” will be accepted on transfer from another institution to satisfy Department or David Nazarian College of Business and Economics requirements.

Residency Requirement

At least 50 percent of the business and economics course credit units and 50 percent of the specialized major credit units required for the Bachelor of Science degrees in Accountancy, Business Administration, Finance, Information Systems, Management, Marketing and the Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics must be completed in residence at CSUN.

Course Requirements

Check course descriptions for prerequisite courses. Prerequisites must be completed prior to enrolling in each course. All IS majors must earn a “C” or higher in all IS courses.

1. Common Lower Division Business Core (21 units)

ACCT 220 Introduction to Financial Accounting (3)
ACCT 230 Introduction to Managerial Accounting (3)
BLAW 280 Business Law I (3)
ECON 160 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
ECON 161 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)
ENGL 205 Business Communication in its Rhetorical Contexts (3)
SOM 120 Basic Business Statistics (3)*

*The 4-unit MATH 140 course also satisfies this requirement.

2. Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) Requirement

The successful completion of the Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) with a score of 8 or higher is a prerequisite for enrollment in all 400-level information systems and business courses.

3. Common Upper Division Business Core (19 units)

BUS 302 The Gateway Experience (3)
BUS 302L The Gateway Experience Laboratory (1)
BUS 497A or BUS 497B Capstone (3)
FIN 303 Financial Management (3)
MGT 360 Management and Organizational Behavior (3)
MKT 304 Marketing Management (3)
SOM 306 Operations Management (3)

4. Required Information Systems Core Courses (22 units)

COMP 110/L Introduction to Algorithms and Programming/Lab (3/1)
IS 312 Information Systems for Business (3)
IS 431 Systems Analysis and Design (3)
IS 435 Business Data Communications and Networking (3)
IS 441 Database Management Systems (3)
IS 451 Systems Development Project (3)
PHIL 230 Introduction to Formal Logic (3)

5. Select one of the following options:

A. Business Systems (ISBS) Option (25 units)

COMP 105BAS Computer Programming in Basic (1)
IS 335 Information Technology in Business (3)
MATH 103 Mathematical Methods for Business (3)**
Free Elective (Select any University course) (3)

**MATH 103 or a higher level mathematics course (e.g. Calculus: MATH 150A or MATH 255A) must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher.

Select 3 units from the following Upper Division business courses:

ECON 310 Price Theory and Applications (3)
MKT 346 Marketing Research (3)
MKT 442 Business to Business Marketing (3)
MKT 448 Digital Marketing (3)
MGT 450 Organization Change and Development (3)
MGT 456 Negotiation and Conflict Management (3)
MGT 458 Decision Making and Creativity (3)

Select 12 units from the following IS elective courses:

IS 455 Advanced Application Development (3)
IS 457 Advanced Telecommunications and Networking (3)
IS 497A-Z Special Topics—Information Systems (3)
IS 498C Internship (3)
SOM 485 Decision Support Systems (3)

B. Information Technology (ISIT) Option (25 units)

COMP 122/L Computer Architecture and Assembly Language (1/1)
COMP 182/L Data Structures and Program Design and Lab (3/1)
COMP 222 Computer Organization (3)
COMP 282 Advanced Data Structures (3)
COMP 380/L Introduction to Software Engineering and Lab (3)
MATH 150A Calculus I (5)***
Free Elective–Select any University course (2)

***MATH 150A or higher level mathematics course must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher.

Select 3 units from the following courses:

COMP 450 Societal Issues in Computing (3)
COMP 467 Multimedia Systems Design (3)
COMP 480/L Software System Development (2/1)
COMP 485 Human-Computer Interaction (3)

6. General Education (48 units)

Undergraduate students must complete 48 units of General Education as described in this Catalog. Of the 48 units of the General Education requirement, 15 units are satisfied by Lower Division requirements. MATH 103/MATH 150 satisfies the 3-unit mathematics requirement in Basic Skills. ECON 160 and ECON 161 satisfy the 6 units of Social Sciences. BLAW 280 satisfies 3 units of Lifelong Learning and PHIL 230 satisfies the 3-unit critical-thinking requirement in Basic Skills.

Total Units in the Major: 87

General Education Units: 33

Total Units Required for the B.S. Degree: 120


Chair: Paul J. Lazarony
Associate Chair: Rishma Vedd
Juniper Hall (JH) 3123
(818) 677-2461

Student Learning Outcomes

Our graduates:

  1. Are able to recognize and analyze ethical problems in organizational situations and select and defend a course of action.
  2. Are able to effectively communicate complex information system and business concepts orally and in writing.
  3. Are able to apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills when analyzing and solving information system and business problems.
  4. Understand the individual and group dynamics of project teams.
  5. Have knowledge of IS technology components and their interrelations.
  6. Have the knowledge to implement information systems that support an organization’s strategic objectives.
  7. Develop skills through research in IS literature that will prepare them for lifelong learning in the field.