This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
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This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


Program: B.S., Chemistry


The B.S. degree in Chemistry is designed to prepare students who desire to (1) pursue graduate work in chemistry, (2) work in industry or government laboratories or (3) work in the fields of technical sales, hazardous materials testing and handling, chemical literature or chemical patents.

The curriculum for the B.S. degree in Chemistry has been reviewed by the American Chemical Society (ACS) and meet its requirements for approved programs.


Chair: Eric Kelson
Eucalyptus Hall (EH) 2102
(818) 677-3381

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate basic knowledge in the following areas of chemistry: analytical, biochemistry inorganic, organic and physical.
  2. Organize and communicate scientific information clearly and concisely, both verbally and in writing.
  3. Effectively utilize the scientific literature, including the use of modern electronic search and retrieval methods, to research a chemistry topic or to conduct chemical research.
  4. Work effectively and safely in a laboratory environment, including the ability to follow experimental chemical procedures and maintain a proper lab notebook.
  5. Effectively utilize modern chemical instrumentation to obtain data and perform research.
  6. Perform qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis, including the application of computer technology for such analyses.
  7. Describe the impact of chemistry on our world, including the environment, the economy and medicine.
  8. Demonstrate an ability to determine the scientific validity of a claim that pertains to consumer products, the environment or the life sciences.