This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit



B.A., Journalism

The CSUN Department of Journalism, a nationally accredited undergraduate program, is home to eight award-winning, student-run contemporary and digital news media operations, as well as a thriving public relations curriculum. Converging newsrooms include the The Sundial, the bilingual multimedia outlet El Nuevo Sol, the mobile Pop-Up Newsroom and cloud-based Scene magazine, plus the broadcast programs, Valley View News, Matador News, On …

Minor in Journalism

The Journalism minor is designed to enhance career options for students in a wide variety of disciplines, such as political science, sociology, English, languages, ethnic studies, history, anthropology, and gender and women’s studies. Minors complete lower and upper division core requirements as well as upper division electives. They also are allowed to follow an area of …

Minor in Spanish-Language Journalism

The interdisciplinary minor in Spanish-Language Journalism prepares students to report on Spanish-speaking and Latino communities, and to report on those communities for Spanish-language and English-language media. The minor helps students to better understand both Spanish-language and Latino media and Spanish-language and Latino communities. Contact the advisor, José Luis Benavides, at (818) 677-7242.

M.A., Mass Communication

The graduate program in Mass Communication presupposes strong undergraduate preparation or equivalent professional experience in the mass media. The master’s program calls for more intensive study, allows for development of individual professional skills and interests, focuses on evaluation of media performance and uses analytic and research techniques culminating in a Thesis, Graduate Project or Comprehensive …