This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit



JS 151. Natural Environment in Judaism (1)

Corequisite: RTM 151F. An examination of teachings on the natural environment found in Jewish literature and oral teachings, with an emphasis on values and practices related to respect for natural life and environmental conservation. Arranged wilderness field trips are required.

JS 200. Introduction to Judaism (3)

Preparatory: Completion of the Lower Division writing requirement. Study of the elements of religion—especially myth, ritual, concepts of the sacred and profane, and types of religious authority—and how these are expressed within Judaism. Judaism’s concepts and practices are examined historically, with a focus on their interaction with other religions and with the secular, pluralistic culture of the modern world. Regular written assignments are required. (Available for General Education, Arts and Humanities.)

JS 210. History of the Jewish People (3)

Study of the Jewish people from their beginning in the ancient Near East to the establishment of the modern state of Israel. (Cross-listed with HIST 210.) (Available for General Education, Comparative Cultural Studies.)

JS 300. Humanities in Jewish Society: Ancient and Medieval (3)

Preparatory: Completion of Lower Division writing requirement. Study of ancient and medieval Jewish culture examining literature, art and architecture, law, music, philosophy and science. Their distinctive genres, styles, methods of inquiry and creative processes are examined, as are the links between these areas of Jewish culture and their contribution to and dependence on similar expressions in non-Jewish cultures. Regular written assignments are required. (Available for General Education, Arts and Humanities.) (IC)

JS 318. Applied Jewish Ethics (3)

Prerequisite: Completion of the Lower Division writing requirement. Applies Jewish teachings to contemporary social problems. Case studies may involve wealth and work, sexuality, food, war, the environment, and other topics. Students apply appropriate social scientific methods to collect data, analyze, evaluate, explain, and/or solve problems in social relations and human behavior. (Available for General Education, Social Sciences.)

JS 330. Women in the Jewish Experience (3)

Preparatory: Completion of Lower Division writing requirement. Examines a minority culture—women in Jewish communities from antiquity to the present. Course perspective is international, with significant focus on Mediterranean, West Asian and African Jewish societies. Contemporary topics such as sexuality, creative ritual, Israeli/Palestinian politics, and body image also are discussed. (Cross-listed with GWS 330.) (Available for General Education, Comparative Cultural Studies.)

JS 390CS. Service Learning in the Jewish Community (3)

Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Preparatory: Completion of Lower Division writing requirement. Work experience in Jewish schools, synagogues, social welfare or political organizations. Faculty supervisor assists students in obtaining appropriate work placements. Work experience is complemented by academic study and written assignments offers a community service opportunity with service learning activities relating to concepts and theories presented. Requires 100 hours of community-based field work. (Available for General Education, Lifelong Learning.)

JS 409. History of the Jews in the Modern Era (3)

A history of the Jewish people from the 17th century to the present. Principal themes include the transformation of the traditional community, the changes in Jews’ political status, the emergence of modern antisemitism, and ethnic and gender distinctions within Jewry. (Cross-listed with HIST 409.)

JS 427. Israel’s History and Peoples (3)

A history of the modern State of Israel, from the emergence of modern Jewish nationalism to the present time. The conflicts between Jews, Palestinians, and imperial and regional powers will be examined, as well as the relations between the diverse peoples that constitute Israel’s multicultural, multireligious, and multinational society. (Cross-listed with HIST 427.)

JS 486J. History of the Jews in the United States (3)

Explores the social, cultural, economic and political history of Jewish people in the U.S. from the colonial era to the present, and the relevance of this history to American culture today. Available for graduate credit. (Cross-listed with HIST 486J.)

JS 495A-Z. Selected Topics in Jewish Studies (3)

In-depth study of a selected theme or issue in Jewish Studies. Topics will change from semester. Critical writing and reading is required. This course may serve as the capstone experience for the B.A. degree in Modern Jewish Studies. Available for graduate credit.

JS 496A-Z. Experimental Topics in Jewish Studies (3)

Course content to be determined.

JS 499A-C. Independent Study (1-3)

No course description.

JS 546. The Holocaust and Genocide for Educators (3)

An overview of the Holocaust and the concept of genocide, with a focus on the analysis and evaluation of varied resources for educators, including film, photographs, literature, art, music, documents and other primary source materials. (Cross-listed with HIST 546.)

JS 699A-C. Independent Study (1-3)

Investigation of a significant problem in Jewish studies. Project selected in conference with faculty sponsor and with approval of the program coordinator.