This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit



B.A., Linguistics

Linguistics studies human language, seeking to define its nature, to establish its relationship to human thought, to discover what distinguishes human language from other forms of communication (human and nonhuman), to understand how children develop a language and acquire additional ones, to understand the ways in which languages may differ from one another and to …

Minor in Linguistics

The minor in Linguistics consists of 21 units.

Minor in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)

The TESL minor program in the College of Humanities incorporates courses in Anthropology, Chicana/o Studies, Communication Studies, Education, English, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Linguistics and Sociology. The objective is to prepare candidates to teach English to speakers of other languages. Course substitutions may be made only with the written approval of the Linguistics/TESL chair.

M.A., Linguistics

Linguistics studies human language, seeking to define its nature, to establish its relationship to human thought, to discover what distinguishes human language from other forms of communication (human and nonhuman), to understand how children develop a language and acquire additional ones, to understand the ways in which languages may differ from one another and to …

M.A., Teaching English as a Second Language

TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) also is termed Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and is closely related to TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language). TESL deals with teaching methods, principles, ways to teach different kinds of students, curriculum design, lesson planning, attention to the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and assessment. Along with …

Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) Certificate

The TESL certificate program at California State University, Northridge (CSUN) is specifically designed for those who intend to teach English to speakers of other languages—English as a Second/Subsequent Language (TESL) in the U.S. or English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) abroad. It provides certification that the candidate has received advanced training in the theoretical and …