This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


Program: M.M., Music

Collaborative Piano Performance


The Master of Music Option in Collaborative Piano Performance provides structured training and performance experience for pianists who wish to pursue careers as collaborative artists (entrance audition required). Applied study is a balanced exposure to both the vocal (art songs and opera arias) and instrumental (duo sonatas and concerti) collaborative repertoire.

Program Requirements

A. Prerequisites for the Master of Music Degree

  1. Bachelor’s degree, including preparation equivalent to the undergraduate Music major.
  2. Taking the department graduate placement examinations in Theory and History prior to first enrollment. Students failing the placement exams may repeat them once or complete the appropriate review coursework—MUS 500 Music Theory Review and/or MUS 501 Music History Review—with a grade of “C” or better.

MM—Collaborative Piano Performance: Applicants must hold the Bachelor of Music degree with a major in piano, collaborative keyboard or equivalent background as determined by the keyboard area faculty. Knowledge of IPA (international phonetic alphabets) or training in Italian, German and French languages must be evidenced by previous coursework or can be satisfied by a diction placement exam during the first week of the Fall semester. The diction requirement is a prerequisite for classified status.

B. Admission Requirements for Classified Status

All graduate students in music are accepted to the program as conditionally classified. To achieve classified status in the graduate program, the following are required:

  1. Completion of University requirements for admission to classified graduate status.
  2. Completion of any deficiencies that were determined by the Department of Music at the time of admission.
  3. Completion of 12 units of graduate study applicable to the degree with the grade point average of 3.0 or better.
  4. A satisfactory result on the Graduate Record Examination (required only if the student’s undergraduate grade point average is below 3.0).

For more information about requirements for admission, graduate classification and requirements for graduation, please consult the Graduate Studies section of this Catalog.

C. Course Requirements

1. Required Courses (12 units)

MUS 601 Techniques of Research and Bibliography in Music (3)
MUS 604 Seminar in Music Analysis (3)
MUS 698 Thesis, Artistic Performance, or Graduate Project (3)

One class from the following (3 units):

MUS 603A Seminar in Renaissance Music (3)
MUS 603B Seminar in Baroque Music (3)
MUS 603C Seminar in Classical Music (3)
MUS 603D Seminar in Romantic Music (3)
MUS 603E Seminar in 20th Century Music (3)
MUS 692A-Z Selected Topics in Music History (3)

2. Area of Concentration—Collaborative Piano Performance (Minimum of 19 units)

MUS 401 Opera Literature (2)
MUS 403 Vocal Literature (2)
MUS 650B Individual Lessons (2,2,2,2)
MUS 676 Collaborative Keyboard Practicum (1,1,1,1)
MUS 678A/L Graduate Piano Pedagogy Resources and Practicum and Lab (1/1)
MUS 687 Chamber Music Techniques (1)

3. Culminating Experience

MUS 698 (listed in the core requirements above) includes a comprehensive examination:

Each graduate student in the Department of Music is required to pass a comprehensive oral examination. The comprehensive examination committee, consisting of the student’s major professor and at least one additional faculty member, will administer the examination. The examination will be created and scheduled by the student’s major professor in consultation with the area coordinator, and will cover the student’s major field of study.

If the examination is not attempted or passed, the student will receive an RP (report in progress) in MUS 698 and may attempt the examination again during any of the subsequent three semesters.

Students may not take the comprehensive examination more than twice. Failure of the second attempt of the comprehensive examination will result in the student’s disqualification from the graduate program.

D. Additional Degree Requirements

MM Performance majors: Students will demonstrate their progress in the area of specialization before a faculty jury at the end of each semester of enrollment in individual study.

Total Units Required for the M.M. Degree: 31


Chair: Ric Alviso
Cypress Hall (CY) 116
(818) 677-3181

Graduate Coordinator: Diane Roscetti
(818) 677-6587

Student Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of all requirements for the Master of Music degree, students will be able to demonstrate:

  1. Continuing development of professional and scholarly competence within their area of specialization.
  2. Continuing development of individual talent, musical interests and philosophies to be used creatively to preserve and extend the cultural heritage of music.
  3. Artistic and intellectual rigor in the organization, interpretation, communication and dissemination of musical knowledge.
  4. Pedagogical skills fundamental to their area of specialization applicable across a variety of music and music-related professions.
  5. Professional competence in the execution of business processes and practices commonly employed within their area of specialization.