This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


Program: General Education Induction Credential for Multiple and Single Subject


The purpose of the General Education Induction Credential for Multiple and Single Subject Credential program is to provide teachers who hold a preliminary teaching credential with the opportunity to hone their strengths and explore areas of interest, and to earn the California Clear Credential. Candidates will be guided by a program coordinator, instructors of the Induction Implementation Plan-focused courses EED 502 and SED 595JG and a support provider at the K-12 school site.

Program Requirements

A. Admission Requirements

  1. Valid California Preliminary Credential in Multiple Subject or Single Subject.
  2. Verification of employment as a teacher at a public elementary or secondary school or a completed Verification of Fieldwork Educational Setting form.

B. Course Requirements

Semester 1

EED 502 Introduction to Induction (3)
Elective Course (3)

Semester 2

SED 595JG Lesson Design Study: Developing Best Practices (3)
Elective Course (3)

The two-elective courses are selected from a listing of master’s-course offerings in the Elementary and Secondary Education departments, with approval from the program coordinator and specific course instructors.

For more information, please see the Credential section of this Catalog.

Total Units Required for the Credential: 12

More information

If you would like more information about this program, please contact


Department of Elementary Education
Chair: Joyce Burstein
Education (ED) 1206
(818) 677-2621

Department of Secondary Education
Chair: Julie Gainsburg
Education (ED) 1208
(818) 677-2580