This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
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This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


Program: Single Subject Preliminary Credential

Traditional Program


Candidates who complete a Single Subject Credential program are specialists in the teaching of a subject area such as English, mathematics, physical education or science and are able to work with students in diverse classroom settings. Candidates meet subject matter competency by completing an approved program specified by the subject area department or by passing all sections of the appropriate examination(s), including the California Subject Examination for Teachers (CSET). For information regarding admission, requirements and subject programs approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and subject matter examinations, see the Credential section of this Catalog. For detailed information on each approved subject program, see the department that offers the program (e.g., Art, English, Mathematics, Kinesiology) in this Catalog. Descriptions of Secondary Education credential program courses appear later in this section. For other professional education courses, see listings of the department offering the course (e.g., Educational Psychology and Counseling, Health Science). All Single Subject programs, including Bilingual Authorization, as described below, have been approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and meet the requirements of Senate Bill 2042, including CLAD authorization. All candidates accepted beginning Fall 2002 enroll in one of these programs:

  1. Traditional Program
  2. Accelerated Collaborative Teacher Preparation Program (ACT)
  3. Single Subject University Intern Program (SSUIP)
  4. Four-Year Integrated (FYI) Teacher Credential Program (in English or Mathematics)
  5. Junior-Year Entry Integrated (FYI) Teacher Credential Program (in English or Mathematics)
  6. Bilingual Authorization Credential Program

Traditional Program

Post-baccalaureate Single Subject Credential program for full-time or part-time candidates.

Program Requirements

A. Required prior to admission

  1. Verification that a Basic Skills Test (typically CBEST) has been taken.
  2. Verification of information session attendance.
  3. Admissions interview.
  4. Valid fingerprint clearance.
  5. Verification of subject matter competency by approved subject matter program or examination (CSET).

Consult the Credential Office for complete admission requirements.

B. Required in First Semester of Enrollment and Prior to or Concurrent with SED 554/554S (3 units)

SED 511 Fundamentals of Secondary Education in Multiethnic Secondary Schools (3)

C. Required Prior to First Student Teaching Assignment through SED 554/554S

  1. Passage of Basic Skills (typically CBEST).
  2. Verification of writing proficiency by examination:
    1. A score of 41 or higher on CBEST writing, or
    2. A score of 10 or higher on Upper Division Writing Proficiency Examination, or
    3. Completion of ENGL 305, ENGL 406 or COMS 420.
  3. Student teaching application (priority deadlines established).

D. Required Prior to or Concurrent with First Student Teaching Assignment through SED 554/554S (6 units)

EPC 420 Educational Psychology of Adolescence (3)
SED 525xx Methods of Teaching Single Subject Area (e.g., Art, English, etc.) (3)

E. Required prior to second student teaching assignment through SED 555/555S (4 units)

SED 554/S Supervised Field Experience and Seminar (4)

F. Required Prior to or Concurrent with Second Student Teaching Assignment, SED 555/555S (12 units)

AAS/AFRS 417/ARMN/CHS/ELPS 417 Equity and Diversity in Schools (3)
SED 521 Language, Literacy and Learning in Multiethnic Secondary Schools (3)
SED 529 Teaching English Learners in Multiethnic Secondary Schools (3)
SPED 420 Improving the Learning of Students with Special Needs Through Differentiated Instruction and Collaboration (3)

G. Student Teaching (11 units)

SED 554/S Supervised Field Experience and Seminar (3)
SED 555 Supervised Practicum (5)
SED 555S Practicum Seminar (2)

H. Other Program Requirements (4 units)

HSCI 466ADO Health Concerns of the Adolescent (1)
SED 514 Computers in the Instructional Program (3)

  1. Teaching Performance Assessment (completed in SED 555S).
  2. Individual Induction Plan (IIP) (completed in SED 555S).
  3. Overall GPA of 2.75 since admission with GPA of 3.0 in professional education courses.
  4. A grade of “C” or better in all required classes.
  5. Knowledge of the U.S. Constitution (course or exam).
  6. CPR Certification—infant, child, adult (online certification is not acceptable).
  7. Baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution of higher education.

Full-time candidates who meet subject matter and other requirements at application are eligible to complete the program in a single year. Many candidates complete the program in three or more semesters. Application for student teaching required by Fall/Spring deadlines; consult the Credential Office website for specific dates.

Suggested Single Subject Traditional Program Coursework Sequences

Two-semester sequence for full-time candidates:

Semester 1: EPC 420; HSCI 466ADO; SED 511, 514, 525xx single subject, 554, 554S (17 units)
Semester 2: AAS/AFRS/ARMN/CHS/ELPS 417; SED 420, 521, 529, 555, 555S (19 units)

Three-semester and one Summer sequence for part-time candidates:

Semester 1: EPC 420; SED 511, 521 (9 units)
Semester 2: HSCI 466ADO; SED 420, 525xx single subject, 554, 554S (11 units)
Summer: AAS/AFRS/ARMN/CHS/ELPS 417; SED 514 (6 units)
Semester 3: SED 529, 555, 555S (10 units)

Four-semester and one Summer sequence for part-time candidates:

Semester 1: EPC 420; SED 511 (6 units)
Semester 2: SED 514, 525xx single subject (6 units)
Summer: AAS/AFRS/ARMN/CHS/ELPS 417; SPED 420 (6 units)
Semester 3: HSCI 466ADO; SED 521, 554, 554S (8 units)
Semester 4: SED 529, 555, 555S (10 units)

Total Units Required for the Credential: 36


Chair: Julie Gainsburg
Education (ED) 1208
(818) 677-2580 

Student Learning Outcomes

Single Subject Credential candidates will demonstrate proficiency in the major domains of the California Teaching Performance Expectations:

  1. Make subject matter comprehensible for student learning.
  2. Assess student learning.
  3. Engage and support students in learning.
  4. Plan instruction and design learning experiences for all students.
  5. Create and maintain effective environments for student learning.
  6. Develop as a professional educator.