This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit



B.A., Sociology

General Sociology

The General Sociology Option is intended for those who wish a liberal arts education; those who desire to pursue graduate education in Sociology or allied fields; and those who wish specific occupational preparation for a number of fields. Students may focus on the areas of American Studies, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Social Psychology, Social Research, …

B.A., Sociology

Criminology and Criminal Justice

The Criminology and Criminal Justice Option is intended for those students who have an interest in the study of criminology and criminal justice. It provides students with theoretical and practical foundations for an understanding of deviance, criminal behavior and criminal justice institutions. In addition, this option provides the student with skills for further education or …

B.A., Sociology

Social Welfare and Social Justice

The Social Welfare and Social Justice Option is intended to provide students with knowledge and skills necessary for entry professional-level employment working within various social service settings, such as hospitals, probation and parole, public welfare, community planning and mental health organizations. Central to our mission statement is our focus on promoting anti-oppressive social work practice and …

B.A., Sociology

Work and Society

The Work and Society Option is intended for students interested in studying the diverse ways by which work is organized and experienced. It provides students with a theoretical and practical foundation for understanding how changing labor markets and globalization affect the workplace, as well as the consequences of changes in the nature of work for …

Minor in Sociology

The minor in Sociology consists of 22 to 23 units.

M.A., Sociology

The M.A. graduate program in Sociology is intended for students who are interested in pursuing doctoral degrees and careers in teaching and research after the completion of the M.A. degree; the degree as preparation for various occupations; or pursuing their liberal arts education further in the field of Sociology.