This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2015-2016 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


Online Course Designations

Fully Online Class (OF)

An online course offering in which all class sessions and exams are presented in an online environment. If a course meets at a specified time online, the course should list the day of the week and time in the Schedule of Classes. Fully online courses have no on campus meetings.

Campus Online Class

An online course offering in which most class sessions are presented in an online environment. Any face-to-face meetings are usually for activities such as orientation, special in-class presentations, exams or other in-class proofs of competency.

Hybrid Class (OH)

A course offering in which students attend class sessions on campus and in an online environment. The class typically meets approximately half online and half on campus.

Traditional Class

A course offering in which all or most of the class sessions take place on the CSUN campus. Most CSUN courses make use of some web-based tools to supplement or enhance a course, so even a traditional class may include online components and activities (e.g., view a syllabus, take quizzes/exams, participate in discussions).