Program: M.A., Education
Elementary Education
The M.A. degree program builds on the competencies developed in the Multiple Subject Credential program and is designed to provide candidates with advanced professional preparation in education for (1) assuming differentiated careers in school districts, professional organizations and the community; and (2) continuing into a doctoral program. Total units required for an M.A. degree in the concentrations Curriculum and Instruction or Language and Literacy is 30 to 33 units.
Elementary Education Option
- Curriculum and Instruction: For teachers interested in honing their skills to teach all curricular areas, this concentration is a strong choice. The integration of visual and performing arts into the traditional subject matter disciplines such as language arts, social studies, science and mathematics is unique to this concentration. In addition, the option offers a STEM-focused cohort that integrates content and experiences in collaboration with local and national scientific centers. Through a focus on the various state curriculum frameworks and standards, teachers come to understand the need for all students to be active learners engaged in a rich, meaning-centered curriculum.
- Language and Literacy: This concentration places emphasis on developing a comprehensive and balanced approach to literacy instruction and assessment. Teaching students to be strategic readers, writers and evaluators of their own literacy progress is emphasized. Through the Literacy Center on campus, CSUN students work in two practical settings to assess and assist children who are experiencing difficulty in developing literacy skills.
- Multicultural/Multilingual: The Multicultural concentration in Elementary Education places emphasis on developing a comprehensive and balanced approach to teaching culturally diverse students in K-6 settings. This option provides an overview of multicultural education, which includes theories and practices in culturally relevant pedagogy, language acquisition, family and community assets, and multicultural arts education.
Program Requirements
A. Required for Admission to the Master of Arts in Education, Option in Elementary Education
- Admission to the University.
- Department application.
- Preliminary teaching credential.
- District permission to enroll in CSUN-District (LAUSD) Joint Induction/MA program (if applicable).
B. Required for Classified Status
- Cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher or a University-approved aptitude test for graduate study (GRE or MAT).
- Successful completion of the Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam.
C. Other Special Requirements
- No more than 12 units of credit may be applied to an M.A. program until classified status is attained.
- Courses more than 7 years old will not be included in the total of 30-33 units required for the M.A. degree.
- A corequisite for the M.A. in Education degree is a Clear teaching credential.
D. Course Requirements
1. Required Core Courses (9 units)
Curriculum and Instruction and Language and Literacy Concentrations
EED 601 Curriculum, Instruction and the Reflective Teacher (3)
EED 602 Applying Technology to Curricular Goals (3)
EED 610 Research in Elementary Education (3)
Multicultural/Multilingual Concentration
EED 601 Curriculum, Instruction and the Reflective Teacher (3)
EED 610 Research in Elementary Education (3)
EED 626 Literacy Instruction for English Learners K-12 (3)
2. Required Courses in the Concentration (21 units)
a. Curriculum and Instruction
Required Courses (18 units)
EED 633 Seminar in Elementary School Language Arts Education (3)
or EED 670 Research Applications in ESL Instruction (3)
EED 638 Seminar in Elementary School Social Studies Education (3)
EED 643 Seminar in Elementary School Mathematics Education (3)
EED 648 Seminar in Elementary School Science Education (3)
EED 649 Seminar in Elementary School Interdisciplinary Arts Education (3)
Elective (3 units)
Elective course to be selected by the student in consultation with the graduate advisor.
b. Language and Literacy
Prerequisite (3 units)
ENGL 405 Language Differences and Language Change (3)
Required Courses (17 units)
EED 621 Language, Literacy and Culture Across the Curriculum (3)
EED 625A/L Literacy Assessment and Teaching Strategies A and Lab (3/1)
EED 625B/L Literacy Assessment and Teaching Strategies B and Lab (3/1)
EED 626 Literacy Instruction for English Learners (3)
EED 633 Seminar in Elementary School Language Arts Education (3)
Elective (4 units)
Elective course to be selected by the student in consultation with the graduate advisor.
c. Multicultural/Multilingual
Core Courses (15 units)
EED 670 Research Applications in ESL Instruction (3)
EED 671 Seminar Multilingual/Multicultural Education (3)
EED 672 Family Literacy and Community Assets: Teacher Advocacy in Multicultural/Multilingual Settings (3)
EED 675 Bilingual/Multilingual Teaching Strategies (3)
EED 676 Multicultural Arts Education (3)
Electives (6 units)
Students can apply up to 6 units from credential courses if taking the comprehensive exam.
Credential Level Electives
EED 525 Bilingual and Bicultural Teaching in the Elementary School (3)
EED 575 Integrated Social Studies and Arts Curriculum and Methods (3)
EED 577 Language Arts Instruction and English Language Development (3)
Graduate Level Electives
EED 602 Applying Technology to Curricular Goals (3)
EED 621 Language, Literacy and Culture Across the Curriculum (3)
EED 651 Induction and Curriculum Assessment (3)
3. Culminating Experience (3 units)
EED 697 Directed Comprehensive Studies (3) (and successful completion of the comprehensive examination)
or EED 698 Thesis or Graduate Project (3) (units for EED 698 may be used to meet elective requirement)
Total Units Required for the M.A. Degree: 30-33
Chair: Joyce Burstein
Education (ED) 1206
(818) 677-2621
Graduate Coordinator: Greg Knotts
(818) 677-3189
Student Learning Outcomes
M.A. candidates will develop as professional educators who demonstrate:
- Reflective practice by examining their pedagogical content knowledge and skills to improve diverse students’ learning needs.
- Theoretical understanding by reading, synthesizing and evaluating educational theory and research, and applying research findings to their practice in diverse classroom settings.
- Research skills by designing and conducting research and presenting their findings at a professional level in oral and written forms.
- Educational awareness by knowing current educational issues and how they impact schools.
- Leadership by influencing policy and practice in educational communities through advocacy and example.