Program: Reading Certificate (RC) and Reading/Language Arts Specialist Credential Program (R/LASC)
Los Angeles Times Literacy Center Director and Program Coordinator: Shartriya Collier
The Reading/Language Arts Specialist Credential (RLASC) is for candidates with a basic multiple or single subject teaching credential who wish to specialize in the field of reading and language arts and become effective literacy leaders for California’s multicultural population. Upon completion of the specialist credential program, candidates will have developed competencies needed to assume such positions as reading/language arts coordinators, consultants, mentor teachers, staff development coordinators and curriculum directors.
Program Requirements
A. Required Prior to Admission
- RLASC program application.
- Graduate program application.
- Transcripts (official copy of transcripts showing a baccalaureate degree and all post-B.A. coursework).
- Overall undergraduate GPA of 2.75.
- Verification of a valid Basic Teaching Credential.
- Verification of at least 1 year of full-time teaching experience in any grade, preschool through adult, exclusive of student teaching, internship teaching or teaching while holding an emergency permit.
- Application processing fee.
B. Program Prerequisites
Basic Teaching Credential
C. Required Courses for Reading Certificate (10 units)
EED/SED 625A/L Literacy Assessment and Teaching Strategies and Lab (3/1)
EED 633 Seminar in Elementary School Language Arts Education (3)
or SED 625 Theory/Research in Teaching Secondary School English (3)
D. Required for Reading Certificate (RC) Recommendation
- Completion of Reading Certificate coursework with a cumulative GPA of 3.0.
- Grade of “C” or better in all Reading Certificate Program courses.
- Completion of Reading Certificate Portfolio approved by the program coordinator, one program faculty member and the Department of Elementary Education graduate advisor.
- Three years of full-time teaching experience in any grade preschool through adult, exclusive of student teaching, internship teaching or teaching while holding an emergency permit.
E. Required for Reading and Language Arts Specialist Credential (R/LASC) (16 units)
EED/SED 595A Experimental Topics Courses (3)
EED 610 Research in Elementary Education (3)
EED/SED 625B/L Literacy Assessment in Teaching Strategies B and Lab (3/1)
EED/SED 626 Literacy Instruction for English Learners (3)
EED/SED 628 Language and Literacy Programs: Leadership, Planning and Evaluation (3)
F. Required for R/LASC Recommendation
- Completion of Reading Certificate coursework with a cumulative GPA of 3.0.
- Completion of R/LASC coursework with a cumulative GPA of 3.0.
- Completion of R/LASC Portfolio approved by the program coordinator, one program faculty member and the Department of Elementary Education graduate advisor.
- Three years of full-time teaching experience in any grade preschool through adult, exclusive of student teaching, internship teaching or teaching while holding an emergency permit.
More information
If you would like more information about this program, please contact
Chair: Joyce H. Burstein
Education (ED) 1206
(818) 677-2621
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes of the Reading Certificate Program
- Develop fluent reading in students at all grade levels, including English learners, through linguistic elements, including phonemic awareness and the phonological and morphological structure of the English language, systematic instruction in sound-symbol relationships, spelling instruction, role of extensive practice, and skills and strategies leading to independent reading.
- Teach text comprehension using narrative text structure analysis and expository text structure analysis.
- Plan and deliver reading instruction based on an ongoing assessment (formal and informal) of all learners in reading and writing.
- Plan instructional intervention models and strategies based on assessment and evaluation of students’ needs, abilities and achievement using multiple measures.
- Respect, understand and teach students of diverse backgrounds (e.g., cultural, gender, age, linguistic and socio-economic levels).
- Articulate a professional perspective through examination of research and research-based practice on how all students—early, intermediate and advanced readers; ELs; and struggling readers—acquire language, and reading and writing proficiency.
Student Learning Outcomes of the Reading/Language Arts Specialist Credential
- Acquire professional knowledge and articulate advanced professional perspectives on reading and language arts curricula, instruction and assessment.
- Assume leadership roles in literacy instruction and engage in an ongoing professional development.
- Design and conduct classroom-based research using appropriate methodology, and critically examine sound research and theoretical literature to ascertain program strength, weaknesses and overall success.
- Meet the reading and writing needs of all students.
- Provide effective leadership in program, curriculum, instructional and intervention decision making and staff development.