Program: Preliminary Administrative Services Credential
The Preliminary Administrative Services Credential consists of 33 units.
Program Requirements
A. Requirements for Admission to the Program
- Three years of professional, full-time educational experience under an appropriate credential by the completion of program requirements.
- Possession of a bachelor’s degree.
- Possession of a valid California credential.
- Cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 (based on a semester system), or a passing score of 50th percentile or higher in one of the three areas of the GRE, or a raw score of 50 or better on the MAT or possession of a previous master’s degree.
- Successful completion of the Basic Skills Requirement (CBEST or other options as described on the Credential Office website).
- Two letters of recommendation from practicing school administrators indicating potential for administrative leadership.
- Master’s students must take the Comprehensive Examination.
B. Special Requirements
- A GPA of 3.0 or better must be maintained throughout the program.
- Competency assessment at the conclusion of the program.
C. Course Requirements
1. Required Courses (33 units)
ELPS 600 Research in Educational Leadership (3)
ELPS 650 Contemporary Administrative Leadership (3)
ELPS 663 Legal Aspects of Educational Administration (3)
ELPS 664 The Business and Financial Aspects of Educational Administration (3)
ELPS 682 Supervision of Curriculum and Instruction (3)
ELPS 672 Management of Human Resources (3)
ELPS 675 Decision Making Simulation (3)
ELPS 676 School Community Relations (3)
ELPS 681 Organization and Administration of Elementary, Secondary and Special Education (3)
ELPS 688 Fieldwork in Educational Administration (3)
ELPS 697 Comprehensive Examination (3)
All courses are required for a state credential.
Total Units Required for the Credential: 33
Chair: Jody Dunlap
Education (ED) 1220
(818) 677-2591