This is an archive of the 2016-2017 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2016-2017 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


Program: M.A., Humanities


The purpose of the master’s program in Humanities is to provide reflective mid-career adults with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the power and nature of the ideas that animate interaction between and among cultures in today’s world, including clashes and collaborations. The program focuses not only on the nature and construction of these ideas and on their play in the world, but also both on the methods and components of critical reflection and the practical implications of such reflection and on the deeper understanding it can lead to in the everyday social, political and moral decisions of the participants. Importantly, this student cohort will discover and explicitly address the role(s) of language in representing and shaping our understanding of these ideas even of the ideas themselves and in representing and defining our individual and collective identities.

This program is administered through The Tseng College. It is entirely funded by student fees and is offered in the cohort format.


Graduate Coordinator: Sheena Malhotra
Jerome Richfield (JR) 340C
(818) 677-7217

Staff: Nathalie Trejo
(818) 677-4607

Staff: Yvonne Carrillo
(818) 677-7646

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand the origins and transformations of worldviews (“big ideas”) as they move through different social, historical and cultural contexts.
  2. Discover how ideas and values from the past inform our present expectations, practices and policies, both explicitly and implicitly.
  3. Analyze and develop the skills to “step out of” one’s worldview and question assumptions about self, society and others.
  4. Refine skills in critical thinking, reading, speaking and writing across a variety of disciplines in the liberal arts.
  5. Refine the skills of close, context-sensitive reading that makes visible the form, structure and rhetorical function of texts and artifacts in a variety of genres and media.
  6. Develop the skills to apply the theory and methodology appropriate to the liberal arts.