Program: M.S., Manufacturing Systems Engineering
The Master of Science in Manufacturing Systems Engineering facilitates in-depth knowledge of manufacturing systems based on engineering principles. The core foundation in computer-based and automated design, manufacturing and assembly is complemented by expertise in selected areas, such as automation and CAD/CAM, materials and processes, and quality and management. The evolving curriculum, contemporary laboratory facilities and internationally published faculty enable students and practicing professionals to pursue a versatile field of study having a wide range of career opportunities. The program places its graduates in the academic community and in every facet of industry.
Program Requirements
A. Requirements for Admission to the Program
- Satisfaction of all requirements for graduate admission to the University.
- Approval by the department graduate coordinator.
B. Requirements for Advancement to Classified Graduate Status
- Satisfaction of University requirements for classified status.
- Approval of a program of study plan by an assigned advisor.
- Approval by the department graduate coordinator.
C. Special Requirements
- This program is intended primarily for students holding a B.S. degree in Engineering, Computer Science or a related technical field. Prospective students who work in technical environments and hold degrees in nontechnical fields should contact the department to discuss any prerequisite courses with a faculty advisor.
- No more than 6 units of advisor-approved 400-level courses may be included in the graduate program of study.
D. Required Courses (33 units)
1. Required Core Courses (12 units)
MSE 508/L CAD/CAM Systems and Lab (2/1)
MSE 511/L Robotics with Applications and Lab (2/1)
MSE 603 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (3)
MSE 614 Intelligent Manufacturing (3)
2. Required Specialization Courses (6 units)
Each student must choose one of the three areas of specialization as given below:
Automation and CAD/CAM
MSE 509 Computer-Aided Manufacturing Systems (3)
MSE 516/L CAD/CAM Advanced Tools and Lab (2/1)
MSE 611 Robotics and Programmable Automation (3)
MSE 609 Advanced Topics in CAD/CAM (3)
Materials and Processes
MSE 512 Fundamentals of MEMS Fabrication (3)
MSE 513 NDE Methods and Analyses (3)
MSE 527/L Mechanical Behavior of Materials and Lab (2/1)
MSE 528/L Principles of Materials Engineering and Lab (2/1)
Quality and Management
MSE 504 Engineering Management (3)
MSE 601A Engineering Statistics I (3)
MSE 604 Engineering Economy and Financial Analysis (3)
MSE 617 Seminar in Quality Management (3)
MSE 618 Six Sigma Quality Engineering (3)
3. Culminating Experience (3 units)
MSE 697MSF Manufacturing Systems Directed Comprehensive Studies (3)
4. Advisor-Approved Electives (12 units)
Recommended electives require faculty advisor guidance and approval, and they can be selected from courses offered by the department, with the limitation of a maximum of two 400-level courses. Other electives may be suitable for meeting individual student program goals.
Total Units Required for the M.S. Degree: 33
Chair: Ahmad Sarfaraz
Jacaranda Hall (JD) 4510
(818) 677-2167
Graduate Coordinator: Mark Rajai
(818) 677-5003
Student Learning Outcomes
- Expand student knowledge of manufacturing systems engineering principles.
- Ensure student understanding of breadth and depth of manufacturing environments.
- Enable student expertise in at least one of the following: (i) capabilities in automation and CAD/CAM manufacturing systems, (ii) understanding the behavior and properties of materials and processes, or (iii) competencies in quality and management engineering.
- Develop student knowledge and abilities needed in the industrial community.