Program: M.A., Education
Secondary Education
The Master of Arts degree in Education with a specialization in Secondary Education is designed to prepare the secondary teacher for advancement to mentor teachers, student teacher supervisors, subject matter teaching specialists, department chairpersons or doctoral students. School districts frequently award salary increases to teachers holding master’s degrees, and master’s degrees are usually required for part-time teaching at the community college or university level. M.A. degree options include the following:
- Subject Specialist: English Education, Mathematics Education or Science Education
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Computers and Educational Technology
- Multicultural and Multilingual Education
Four components comprise the program of studies for M.A. degree options A-D: (1) department core courses, (2) program option courses, (3) electives and (4) the culminating experience.
Up to 12 units from preliminary credential program courses may apply to some of these M.A. degree options.
Program Requirements
A. Requirements for Admission, Secondary Education M.A. Options A-D
- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
- Current teaching credential (may be waived in special cases).
- Employment as a teacher (may be waived in special cases).
- Submission of a completed department application, including:
- Two letters of reference (per option requirements).
- A statement of plans and objectives for graduate study or lesson plan with analysis (per option requirements).
- Submission of a completed application to CSUN via CSUMentor.
- A cumulative undergraduate GPA of at least 2.5 or a score at or above the 50th percentile on one of three portions of the general test of the GRE (all three sections must be attempted).
B. Requirements for Classified Status, Secondary Education M.A. Degree Options A-D
- Cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher or a University-approved aptitude test for graduate study (GRE or MAT):
- Score at or above the 50th percentile on one of the three portions of the general test of the GRE, or
- Score at or above the 50th percentile on the MAT.
- Passing score (8 or higher) on the Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam.
- Baccalaureate degree from an accredited university.
C. Corequisites for Secondary Education M.A. Degree Options A-D
- Preliminary teaching credential.
- Completion of one or more years of successful secondary school teaching.
D. M.A. Degree Program for Secondary Education, Options A-D
1. Department Core Courses (9 units)
SED 600 Research in Secondary Education (3)
SED 610 Issues in Education in Multiethnic Secondary Schools (3)
SED 690 Seminar in Secondary Education (3)
2. Program Options (12 units)
A. Subject Specialist
For middle school and high school teachers of English, mathematics, science and social sciences who wish to specialize in the study of their teaching field. Two-year cohort programs in English, mathematics and science education are offered and incorporate National Board for Professional Teaching Standards portfolio activities. Candidates select program option courses in consultation with the graduate advisor/program coordinator.
English Education Courses
Choose 12 units from the following:
SED 530 The Program in Literature Grades 6-12: Issues (3)
SED 617 Computers in the Secondary Reading/Language Arts Curriculum (3)
SED 625EN Theory and Research in the Teaching of Secondary School English (3)
SED 695C Seminar in Selected Studies: Language Arts Curriculum (3)
SED 699A-C Independent Study (1-3) (up to 6 units allowed)
Mathematics Education Courses
Choose 12 units from the following:
SED 535MA Teaching Contemporary Mathematics (3)
SED 619 Application and Utility Software in the Secondary Curriculum: Website Development (3)
SED 625MA Theory and Research in Teaching Secondary School Mathematics (3)
SED 646 Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching (3)
SED 695D Seminar in Selected Studies Mathematics Curriculum (3)
SED 699A-C Independent Study (1-3) (up to 6 units allowed)
Science Education Courses
Choose 12 units from the following:
SED 618 Computers in the Secondary School Curriculum: Multimedia (3)
SED 619 Application and Utility Software in the Secondary Curriculum: Website Development (3)
SED 625SC Theory and Research in Teaching Secondary School Science (3)
SED 646 Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching (3)
SED 695B Seminar in Selected Studies: Science Curriculum (3)
SED 699A-C Independent Study (1-3) (up to 6 units allowed)
Social Sciences Education Courses (Suspended)
Choose 12 units from the following:
SED 625SS Theory and Research in Teaching Secondary School Social Studies (3)
SED 695A Seminar in Selected Studies: Social Studies Curriculum (3)
SED 699A-C Independent Study (1-3) (up to 6 units allowed)
B. Curriculum and Instruction
For teachers who wish to study curriculum and instruction from the perspective of the total secondary school. Candidates select program option courses in consultation with the graduate advisor:
Curriculum and Instruction Courses
Choose 12 units from the following:
SED 514 Computers in the Instructional Program (3)
SED 521 Literacy, Language and Learning in Multiethnic Secondary Schools (3)
SED 525xx Methods of Teaching in Single Subject (3)
SED 618 Computers in the Secondary School Curriculum: Multimedia (3)
SED 619 Application and Utility Software in the Secondary School Curriculum: Website Development (3)
SED 686 Motivational Strategies in the Classroom (3)
SED 695A-I Seminar in Selected Studies (3)
SED 699A-C Independent Study (1-3)
C. Computers and Educational Technology
For teachers in all academic areas who wish to develop expertise with instructional uses of the computer. Candidates select program option courses in consultation with the graduate advisor/program coordinator. A 2-year cohort program is offered.
Computers and Educational Technology Courses
Choose 12 units from the following:
SED 514 Computers in the Instructional Program (3)
SED 617 Microcomputers in the Secondary Reading/Language Arts Curriculum (3)
SED 618 Computers in the Secondary School Curriculum: Multimedia (3)
SED 619 Application and Utility Software in the Secondary School Curriculum: Website Design (3)
SED 646 Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching (3)
SED 671 Designing Computer-Based Instructional Materials (3)
SED 695G Seminar in Educational Technology (3)
SED 699A-C Independent Study (1-3) (up to 6 units allowed)
D. Multicultural and Multilingual Education
For teachers seeking to broaden their knowledge of English as a Second Language, bilingual and multicultural secondary education; or to develop leadership skills and acquire research skills in ESL, bilingual and multicultural education; or to develop skills and knowledge in effectively working with diverse pupils, families and communities.
Choose 12 units from the following:
SED 525BL Bilingual and Bicultural Students in Multiethnic Secondary Schools (3)
SED 625MM Theory and Research in Multicultural, Multilingual Education in Secondary Schools (3)
SED 625ESL Theory and Research in the Teaching of English as a Second Language in Multilingual Classrooms (3)
SED 673 Multicultural Students, Families and Communities (3)
SED 699A-C Independent Study (1-3) (up to 6 units allowed)
3. Electives For Secondary Education M.A. Options A-D (6 units)
Six units from the area of teaching concentration, related fields and topics related to teaching are selected in consultation with the graduate advisor/program coordinator. In some cases the following courses from the preliminary credential program may be used as electives:
SED 514 Computers in the Instructional Program (3)
SED 521 Literacy, Language and Learning in Multiethnic Secondary Schools (3)
SED 525xx Methods of Teaching the Single Subject (3)
SED 529 Teaching English Learners in Multiethnic Secondary Schools (3)
4. Culminating Experience (3 units)
SED 697 Directed Comprehensive Studies (3)
or SED 698 Graduate Thesis or Project (3)
Total Units Required for the M.A. Degree: 30
Chair: Julie Gainsburg
Education (ED) 1208
(818) 677-2580
Graduate Coordinator: Mira Pak
(818) 677-2181
Student Learning Outcomes
M.A. degree candidates will develop as professional educators who demonstrate:
- Reflective practice by critically examining their subject knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and pedagogical skills to improve their diverse students’ learning.
- Theoretical understanding by reading, synthesizing and evaluating educational theory and research in their field and applying research findings to their practice in diverse classroom settings.
- Research skills by designing and conducting research ethically and effectively and presenting their findings at a professional level in oral and written forms.
- Educational awareness by knowing current discipline-based and general educational issues and how those impact schools.
- Leadership by influencing policy and practice in educational communities through advocacy and example.