This is an archive of the 2016-2017 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit

This is an archive of the 2016-2017 University Catalog.
To access the most recent version, please visit


Grade Reporting

Grades are available through myNorthridge Portal and the SOLAR Student Center approximately one week after the final exam period. Any discrepancies should be reported to Admissions and Records so that they may be promptly investigated. The grade report reflects cumulative units earned, including units that may not be applicable to degree requirements. Cumulative baccalaureate-level degree units earned are provided on the Degree Progress Report/Planner and when a graduation evaluation is completed. In some cases it may be necessary to contact individual instructors to resolve grade-reporting errors. With the exception of a removal of an incomplete grade within the prescribed period, no changes to the student record will be made after a degree has been awarded.