Program: Minor in Apparel Merchandising
Program Description
The minor in Apparel Merchandising is designed for those students wanting some expertise in apparel merchandising as an adjunct to their major fields in marketing, journalism, consumer affairs, communications, advertising, etc.
Program Requirements
1. Required Courses (24 units)
FCS 160 Introductory Textiles (3)
FCS 255 The Fashion Industry (3)
FCS 271/L Apparel Analysis and Selection and Lab (2/1)
FCS 353 Apparel and Human Behavior (3)
FCS 356/L Analysis and Evaluation of Apparel Quality and Lab (2/1)
FCS 455/L Fashion Merchandising and Lab (2/1)
MKT 304 Marketing Management (3)
MKT 443 Retail Management (3)
Total Units in the Minor: 24
Chair: Yi Cai
Sequoia Hall (SQ) 141
(818) 677-3051